
About Jane Badger Books

Jane Badger standing in a fieldIf you're after classic British pony books, you've come to the right place.

Jane Badger Books is dedicated to making classic pony books available again. We have books from the 1930s through to the present day, from the very earliest pony books like Another Pony for Jean, to Caroline Akrill's latest Courses for Horses.

We aim to bring back the best known authors, like the Pullein-Thompsons and Ruby Ferguson, and undiscovered gems from authors like Patience McElwee.

All our books are available as eBooks you can read on any device. 

Most of the books are available as paperbacks too, many with the original illustrations from artists like Anne Bullen.

We use the first edition text, uncut. If you've only ever read the Armada paperback of Josephine Pullein-Thompson's Six Ponies, for example, you're in for a treat. We publish the full original, which weighs in at over 80,000 words.

It's very rare that we change the text (though it does happen for racist terms). We prefer to add a historical note to the book explaining why we've left in what we have.

Hunting is something that divides people sharply, but it is an intrinsic part of most pony books, so we say if a book includes hunting or not so you can decide for yourself what you want to read.


About Jane Badger

If you'd asked me what I wanted to be when I was a child, I would have said a show jumper. I never made that (as you might have spotted) and had quite a long period when I didn't ride at all.

My career took a few unhorsy directions via IT, teaching, antiquarian bookselling and proofreading before I ended up as a publisher, and a returning rider. I think managing to get back on a horse again after completely losing my confidence is one of my proudest achievements. 

There is nothing quite like a horse.